The Dividing Line Between Art | Everything else

art, conceptual Art

For my Art project I am not only questioning the physicality and the formalistic aspects of the curatorial mechanisms behind Art, but also exploring the fine line which divides art and everything else.

 The questions i’m interested in answering are;

Where does the Art end? How much does the wall affect the art? What part does the frame play?

I plan to obscure and disassemble traditions within the curatorial features of Art. I have started by finding framed photographs and experimenting with its compositional elements, injecting the unfamiliar into the familiar. 
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Ideas for my new project

art, CONCEPTUAL, Consumerism, project, social media

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We live in the Paradox of progression and there is no denying it. As we progress into a more advanced technological realm, we become more vulnerable and dependant. The soul of human communication is held through electronic devices, incepted with social media – The birth of our death.

For my next art project I want to explore social media, and find out why we are so addicted, constricted and radicalised by it.

Modern, insecure and LADish



So, I have recently taken an interest in modern British culture, LAD culture and how it forces us back into our primitive cocoon where all we are left with is our shitty insecurities.

I have taken up a new job at a nightclub, can you guess what I have to do? Yup – photograph hundreds of drunk people.

You find people who don’t want their photo taken because they’re too cool, these are mostly lads. But, when you find one wandering alone away from the pack, they’ll be happy to. You also get the girls that demand you to take around 20 photos of the same pose before entering the process of elimination. They take this seriously, don’t fuck with them. You will also find the girls who fish for compliments afterwards – “oh my god, my hair is so flat, is it flat?????”

I’m going somewhere with this, it’s early.

Transparency, our first Art Exhibition of the year


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We were handed old, dusty and abandoned slides and had to project our ideas, thus creating something out of them. This gallery served as our stage, fifty one pieces were draped, stuck and presented, each with their own interpretation of what the slide embodied.