Ideas for my new project

art, CONCEPTUAL, Consumerism, project, social media

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We live in the Paradox of progression and there is no denying it. As we progress into a more advanced technological realm, we become more vulnerable and dependant. The soul of human communication is held through electronic devices, incepted with social media – The birth of our death.

For my next art project I want to explore social media, and find out why we are so addicted, constricted and radicalised by it.

Iphone 6s. Fuck you, and fuck you consumerism.

Consumerism, iphone, iphone6

iphone6s-renderingThe soul of human communication is held in our hands. The 21st Century has forced is into a corner, into submission. We are scared. Who wants the Iphone 5s? Nobody, the 6 is coming out so roll up. Thousands of people are already queueing up in the cold for an electronic device. Mislead into temptation, feelings of false gratification. These plastic boxes do not make you happy, they do not make you an individual and certainly do not define you as a human being. The novelty of everything wears off. So why are kids crying, why are people ashamed of their old phone? Modernity has struck hard, fuck you consumerism. Fuck you.

21st Century consuming cunt.


Pleasure and happiness seem to be widely confused, especially in the ‘modern world’. Happiness is a state of inner fulfilment, not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward, so called possessions. A nice house, your dream house in fact. Bursting full of brands and the latest technologies. Why the fuck do we sugar-coat ourselves with objects from the external world? Does it make us happy? No. This mostly applies to the ‘western culture’, a place full of people that find comfort in buying materials to feel socially accepted and to create a ‘feel good’ feeling. But all they’re doing is creating an illusion of false fucking happiness. These big cities are jam packed, full of people, a holy abode created by us to worship our new lord, consumerism. We’re all blindly following the bigger picture, incapable of even understanding what we’re actually doing. Going nowhere. Manifesting an ego. It’s not only all about the wants for all these things anymore. We’ve become addicts, addicted to this mental pain that’s inflicted. Refusing to understand, we look for the easy way out, it always has to be the easy way out. Take a look around, walking, on the train, and even in a place of paramount importance. You’ll find two things in common; People and their eyes glued to phone screens. Interpersonal skills no longer exist when the soul of conversation is held by a fucking electronic device. The human special would thrive better in isolation, retarded and without the ability of annunciation. Modern day socialisation is a form of regression. Therefore the measure is non-existent for progression. This world is bullshit, I look around at a crowd of empty faces, kids who don’t give a shit. Free thought is scorned upon and if you’re a victim, you’re a pawn.  We will forever be trapped when we sell ourselves for materials. For pleasure. I mean, modern culture doesn’t really exist, does it…? When what we read, watch and listen to is controlled by the big guys. Independent forms of art will never be accessible to those who don’t question. We are from censorship and cultural design. Every aspect of our limited mind was designed to control and to put us on patrol. Your possessions are worthless and were created by uninspired people to be unstimulating and to bore you into submission. Your only real stimulates serve to numb the pain of the capitalist rule. One day, humanity will be restored, one day I’ll be talking to a friend who in return gives me full attention instead of texting. One day people will stop filming the man that just got ran over and actually help him. One day I’ll say hi to someone in kings cross station and they won’t think I’m mad.